Regardless of how a family is created, the financial responsibilities can be great. There are resources out there to help support the financial requirements associated with your parenthood journey. Whether that is through a grant, government funding or a loan read more here about the financial support resources that exist for you.

Provincial Funding:


  • Offers tax credit equal to 40% of fertility treatment cost. Up to $20 000 annually in eligible costs can be claimed for max. Annual tax credit of $8000.
  • No limit on # of treatments
  • Additional Requirements: Must be a resident of Manitoba and hold a valid Manitoba Health Card
  • For more information visit:


  • Funds 1 IVF cycle for women up to age 42 + 1 additional cycle if acting as a surrogate (carrying for someone else.)
  • Artificial Insemination (AI) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) are covered with no limit on the number of treatments.
  • 1 Fertility Preservation Cycle (sperm or eggs) if there is an appropriate medical reason (i.e. condition that may cause infertility.)
  • Additional requirements: Must live in Ontario and hold a valid Ontario Health Card
  • For more information visit:


  • Funds 1 IVF cycle for women up to age 41 + medications + freezing and storage of unused embryos for 1 year.
  • Coverage for the medications covered under the public prescription drug insurance plan
  • Up to 6 donor inseminations per live birth
  • Up to 6 straws of sperm from a donor bank (distributor approved by Health Canada)
  • Fertility Preservation to age 25 or 5 years for people age 21+ (individuals undergoing treatments or experiencing conditions that may cause infertility.)
  • Additional Requirements: Must hold a valid RAMQ card, have infertility problems or are unable to conceive on their own (single women or female-female couples)
  • For more information visit:

Prince Edward Island:

Nova Scotia:

New Brunswick:

Newfoundland & Labrador:

  • Subsidy of $5000 per IVF cycle will be available to eligible participants up to a maximum of 3 IVF cycles (lifetime.)
  • Services include: IVF, frozen embryo transfer, donor egg cycles, donor embryo cycles, oocyte cryopreservation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and gestational carrier cycles as well as medications associated with these services. The services must be provided at a clinic of the applicant’s choosing located within Canada, and is retroactive to August 4, 2021.
  • Additional Requirements: Must hold a valid Medical Care Plan card, be referred for fertility services by the Newfoundland and Labrador Fertility Services clinic (within Canada)
  • For more information visit:

British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan & the Territories: No funding for procedures of IVF or IUI


Grant opportunities can be found through the following organizations:

  • Fertility Friends Foundation
  • Generations of Hope (Regional Fertility Program in Calgary, Alberta)
  • The Modern Miracle Foundation

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